From Keith Simpson
Tim - thank you very much for the wonderful stay in your spectacular lodge. Your hospitality exceeds all expectations. The accommodation was great, your staff is so friendly and helpful, the meals were delicious and our fishing guide, Curtis, worked his heart out to ensure that we caught fish. That was my first trip but I hope to add many more in the years to come. Keep up the good work Tim.
From Kevin Toews
Hi Tim,
I wanted to tell you again that we had a fabulous time at Nootka this year. As usual, your hospitality and your staff were first class. The great fishing this year was an added bonus.Thanks again!
From Brian and Paul Dureski
Tim, just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how much we enjoyed the June 28 - Jul 1 fishing trip. Not only was the fishing great but the atmosphere at the lodge was the best. The food as usual was excellent. It was a real pleasure fishing with a professional like Matt. We did not loose one fish at the boat or have a line snap. He goes hard the total time to get you fish on. I reallyenjoyed the bottom fishing experience on this trip. First time in twelve years that the ocean co-operated and allowed us to get out and give it a decent go. All my dad could talk about on the way home was the 25 lber he landed and how he got the bruises on his hand courtesy of the single action reel. Thanks for the recommendation of coming earlier. I am really impressed with the table quality of the yellow eye that we caught. By grilling it on the BBQ it tastes and has the same texture as lobster. Please pass this message onto Matt and hope to see you next year late June early July.